Split plot analysis in R using doebioresearch package

The blog explains split plot analysis in R along with assumption testing and LSD test for mean comparison (Reading time 9 min)

Click on the image to expand
Replication: 4
Main-plot: Variety levels 3
Sub-plot: Nitrogen levels 3
Dependent variable: Yield 

Source of problem: https://fliphtml5.com/waov/gjll/basic
 Data: excel sheet
 R-script: script
#Upload excel file into RStudio
SP <- read_excel("D:/Youtube/Design of Experiments/Split plot/SP.xlsx")
#You can upload the data by clicking on import data set-> From Excel -> Browse -> Select your file-> #Import
#Load doebioresearch package
#Store split plot analysis in variable named output along with LSD test
#Store output in document outside RStudio in word file

Output from R:

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: dependent.var
                   Df    Sum Sq   Mean Sq   F value     Pr(>F)   
block               3   190.083   63.361    2.1836      0.190936   
main.plot           2    90.487   45.243    1.5592      0.284900   
Ea                  6   174.100   29.017                    
sub.plot            2    92.435   46.217    10.2287     0.001078 **
main.plot:sub.plot  4    9.533    2.383     0.5275      0.717003   
Eb                 18   81.332    4.518                    
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

The p-value of the subplot is <0.05, so its significant. The means of all the three nitrogen levels are not same so go for LSD test. The main plot and interaction is non significant so ignore their LSD test result and all of their levels are same.  
[1] "CV(a): 30.348 , CV(b) : 11.976" The main plot C.V. is high and out of general limit which will need a suitable justification. The C.V. for the sub plot is within a limit (less than 12-15%).
[1] "R Square 0.873" 0.873 i.e. 87.3% variation present in the dependent variable yield is explained by the model. Shapiro-Wilk normality test data: model$residuals W = 0.97257, p-value = 0.5 [1] "Normality assumption is not violated"
$Yield[[1]][[6]] [1] "All the main plot factor level means are same so dont go for any multiple comparison test" [1] "The means of one or more levels of sub plot factor are not same, so go for multiple comparison test" MSerror Df Mean CV t.value LSD 4.518426 18 17.75 11.97554 2.100922 1.823173 dependent.var groups n3 19.70833 a n2 17.75833 b n1 15.78333 c
The LSD test reveals that 60 kg/ha (n3) gives highest yield which is on par with/statistically different from 30 kg/ha (n2) and 0 kg/ha (n1).

Happy Learning!

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Hope you found this blog useful. If have any query or suggestions please do post it below.

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Topics you might be interested in:

Degrees of freedom
Principles of designs of experiments-I: Replication
Principles of designs of experiments-II: Randomization
Principles of design of experiments-III: Local control


Joseph said…
Nice Content Dr. Keep going
Esli said…
Hello dear
Very good your explanations about the application of this library. To date it is one of the simplest I have found for this type of analysis. I am working recently with R and I have a very similar design but with multiple responses. I want to graph the varieties and treatments, but keep it in a single figure, but with the three separate graphs. First treatment and the three varieties, second and three varieties, etc. Is it possible? Could you help me? Thank you
Dr. RAJ POPAT said…
Namaste Elsi,
Thanks for the compliments. I would not be able to help you in context of graph as I know little about visualization in R.
Qui Nguyen said…

$Yield[[1]][[6]]: what does it mean? Coudl you please explain it?
Dr. RAJ POPAT said…
$Yield[[1]][[6]]: represents interpretation of main plot effect in ANOVA. If you look at anova result of split plot the p value of main plot is greater than 0.05 so it make it non significant. This means that all the means of main plot levels are same and we should not go for comparison of means.
Hope you got it
Unknown said…
Thank you very much. The contents you shared are very helpful. Is there any split split plot analysis using doebioresearch package?
Dr. RAJ POPAT said…
Refer agricolae package
HellO Dr Raj,
Please, I want to thak you for your videos.
I like the video on split plot.
My question is how do I code to have let's say "Plant stand harvested" as a covariate for "yield"?
A.k.Rajeshwari said…
thanks for package name

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